Bestselling Author



Step into the charged atmosphere of 1947 Washington D.C., where a young Radcliffe graduate, Catherine “Cat” Killeen, defies expectations to carve her niche in the secretive world of Cold War espionage. After turning down a life set on the path of predictability, Cat’s thirst for a challenge leads her to the heart of the Venona Project, a top-secret mission aimed at decrypting Soviet communications. Amidst a backdrop of intense secrecy and high stakes, Cat finds herself entangled in a complex web of intrigue that tests her intellect and convictions…

…As Cat delves deeper into the shadows of espionage, she grapples with moral dilemmas that blur the lines between right and wrong. Her journey is a solitary voyage of self-discovery, pushing the boundaries of loyalty and betrayal in a time when the world hovered on the brink of monumental change. This latest novel is a compelling narrative of bravery, intrigue, and the unyielding quest for truth, capturing the essence of a bygone era with precision and flair.

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Goodnight from Paris Cover

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